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Worn Out

Have you ever been in a place in life where you just wanted to throw in the towel? This may trigger flashbacks of the days when someone was twisting your arm and yelling "Say Uncle" to end the pain, suffering and torment. Life can be difficult at times and even unbearable. I read a quote today that reminded me that we don't have to live this life alone. Dwight L Moody said "When you have no strength, lean on God and you will become powerful." This echoes the Psalm that reminds us that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Ps.46:1) In the midst of the difficulty we can cry out to God and find immediate support. God has a way of providing the right supports in our lives to help manage the needs that we have. Take a moment if overwhelmed and focus on what life would look like if you were in Gods Shelter today? How would that impact your thoughts, habits and life? Have a Blessed Day


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