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Hope for difficult times

Writer's picture: Dave RodriguezDave Rodriguez

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.”

Jesus proclamation as recorded by Luke is so profound in that Jesus was stating that Gods hand was on Him to proclaim the good news of salvation and deliverance. So many people in that time lived in the darkness and hardship of life. In those days, there were established communities, social groups, and religious affiliations but even with all those things there was evident pain oppression, poverty and many of life’s hardships. Jesus, came to bring Hope to the oppressed and disillusioned he was to bring a Hope that would set people free. Restoring man’s relationship with God and redefining the human relationship.

Today, we may see life through the same lens as those in Jesus days. We are navigating life just trying to make it one day at a time. We become numb to the pain of loss, the chaos of the political climate, and the hurt that man inflicts onto one another. We may find ourselves crying out for change and deliverance. The reality is that God loved His creation so much that that He sent his son Jesus. Yes, God became man, royalty became a commoner to bring deliverance and restoration to His creation. The Good News was God’s plan to save his creation through Jesus. Jesus instills Hope during life’s darkness and disillusionment. Our troubles may not disappear tomorrow but Hope in Christ helps us to persevere and overcome life’s struggles.

As we look forward to 2019 imagine what life would be like if you made a commitment to God today to live different in this new year. What would be different in you? What would it look like? Take time to journal it or speak your thoughts out loud. If you feel hopeless today, take time to ask God to change your life, decide to put your hope and faith in God. God will meet you where you are and he desires to have a relationship with you.

Be Blessed Today…

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